For Kids - Acupuncture is relaxing in Pain in many countries
Acupunture is an ancient healing process of traditional chinese medicine. Thin needles are put (by pricking) at the specific points in our body. It is primarily used to relieve pain but also has been used to treat other conditions too.
Nowadays, more than 3.5 million americans use it and it is even more popular in other countries.
The trained practitioners use very fine needles, some as thin as a human hair which are placed into the skin at various points to stimulate the body to heal itself. It is often used for pain management, digestive issues, emotional conditions & stress, by this way, taking a whole-body approach rather than treating each symptom individually our body learns to heal on its own at cell level.
Many parents are started to turn to acupuncture as very safe, more effective, and holistic way to treat their children’s anxiety and physical ailments nowadays in many countries.
A Boy named Tom, was severely complaining about his headache, so their parents were suggested to try acupunture technique at the hospital in California.
After treatment he said - it is something tingling and I felt very nice, it is like soothing to my head and on which he has some control over his pain.
His mother satisfactorily said - "When you look at the risks involved in todays medicine is higher than these traditional medicinal techniques, in my view, every medicine I give to my child has more risks than going for acupuncture does.”
Jenni is a registered nurse, chronic pain coordinator and doctor of acupuncture at All Children’s. In the last 6 years she is been doing pediatric acupuncture, she has treated hundreds of patients, including Tom
Few of the advantages she added -
- The Acupuncture balances & regulates all of the body’s systems
- It is very safe,
- it’s really natural,
- most importantly it’s drug-free,
- it’s not painful,
- it has very minimal side effects,
- it’s been helping people heal for thousands of years so its trustworthy